Google Apps update alerts PDF viewer

PDF viewer and performance improvements for the Google Drive app for Android

Comprompt-Google Apps update alerts PDF viewer

A new version of the Google Drive app for Android is coming to Google Play this week. New features include:

  • PDF Viewer enhancement: see completed form data
  • Performance and interface improvements

Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release (gradual rollout)

Reference by google


Animation improvements in Google Slides

Animations are an easy way to make your presentations look more dynamic in Google Slides. Starting today, you can improve your Slides

presentations with two new animations: Appear and Disappear. You can also now set the direction (to and from left, right, top, and bottom) of two previously existing

animations: Fly in and Fly out.



Release track:
Rapid release and Scheduled release

More information:
Help Center

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Eating Habits to Combat Long Working Hours

Everybody loves food! We know you do too! But do you know how much does your body require to stay fit and function efficiently? Research shows that distributing your meals, with tiny and healthy ‘snack-ons’ would be the right approach towards healthy eating as opposed to ‘hogging’ your heart out every time you have a craving.

Munch on fruits

For once, control that craving to ravish a double cheese burger and eat a couple of apples instead. It would make a lot of difference. Don’t believe us? Read on. Fruits are rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin C and folate. A diet rich in fruits helps reduce the risk of strokes and type 2 diabetes, protects you against certain types of cancer and lower blood pressure. A freshly squeezed glass of juice for breakfast, an easy to carry fruit to have post lunch and may be some dry fruits before you leave for the day. There you have it.

Home cooked food

Carry your lunch from home. Eating frozen parathas or ordering Chinese every day can completely mess up your taste buds. Not to mention your tummy too. Although take-away food is apparently appealing and irresistible, it is not really healthy. You are never sure of the oil used, or whether the kitchen where the food was cooked lived up to your hygiene standards. Plus, kitchens at average restaurants, use refined flour and the overtly unhealthy ingredient MSG – all of which only add to the list of cons.

Be Punctual

It’s not just ‘what’ you eat, but ‘when’ you eat that matters too. What is the use of calling it a lunch if you end up having it during your tea break? Don’t skip breakfast, it’s the most important meal of the day. You should ideally have breakfast within an hour after you get up. Try and get into the habit of having your meals at regular timings every day. Irregular timings upsets your system and drains your body of energy. You also end up feeling hungry at odd hours. As a result you snack on junk food items which only add to the unwanted flab in your body.

A routine of healthy eating will definitely lead to more productive working hours as it will keep you active post lunch or during the day. If you are fit and feel healthy, you can enjoy life to the fullest! But then, reading this article alone will not help. Remember to follow it up with an action plan.

Yoga is the answer!

Any form of exercise helps you burn calories while stabilizing blood circulation in the body. Combine this with a healthy diet & it even helps in weight loss. Physical workout will help you tone the body, but there is more to life than hitting the gym every day! Say hello to the ancient secrets of Yoga – a form of exercise that promotes physical, mental and spiritual well-being; thus leading to a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few ‘asanas’ that you should know about and practice.

Muscle toning

Surya Namaskar – the most common and effective form of exercise. It not only helps tone the muscles and improves flexibility, but also strengthens the spine and improves digestion. Combined with early morning sun rays and Vitamin D, this is an excellent start to the day.

Improved breathing

Kapalbhati – a technique of breathing focused on exhaling, that ensures cleansing of the respiratory system. It betters flexibility of the diaphragm and helps stay protected from cold, allergies and infections.

Relaxation guaranteed

Pranayam – it soothes the nerves and helps control your temper, keeping you calmer during obstacles as compared to other. It is also known to be an extremely good form of exercise for the heart. So ‘whoosaa’ your stress away.

Enhances concentration

Shavasan – Lying flat on your back in complete oblivion, draining your mind of all thoughts and focusing solely on your breathing; an effective cure for insomnia for sure.
While any form of yoga will not only help you rejuvenate but sciences have proved that if you believe in it whole-heartedly and follow it sincerely, it will infuse a wonderful sense of positivity into your thinking as well. Now breathe in and breathe out! Smile!

Reference by ICICI Bank

Healthy Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

Bad habits are hard to get rid of but good habits are harder to cultivate. It has scientifically been proven that the average time required for any new initiative to be registered as a habit into the human brain, takes a minimum of 21 days. Only if one dedicatedly and repeatedly follows a routine does it eventually becomes a habit. And it is but naturally a logical conclusion that a healthy lifestyle is directly proportional to the things that you do every day. Here’s what you can do.

Skip late nights, not meals

Your body needs the daily quota of nutrients to function properly. Carbohydrates, proteins and minerals are the three most essential components your body needs every day. So include lots of leafy greens and fruits in your diet. Just try and wake up early, your day will be much better. Avoid working late nights. Try and have your dinner by 9 P.M. That should help you stay up for at least an hour after dinner – the much needed time to digest your food.


Be it an hour in the gym, 30 minutes of yoga or a mere 20 minute brisk walk, any form of exercise practiced consistently without any gap is a must. Yoga helps relieve stress, improve immunity, increase energy, and, better flexibility and posture. Even if you walk your dog for an hour, you burn up to 130 calories!

‘To do’ list in advance

Last minute spontaneity may seem fun, but in order to be spontaneous once, you have to be meticulous otherwise. Setting a deadline and aiming to achieve a measurable goal helps motivate your purpose. Making a checklist will prove to be beneficial; it can help you plan, sort and organize your life in a much more systematic manner. And when you do that, don’t forget to plug in your meal timings too.

While what you eat is important, remember that our bodies are not built for a sedentary lifestyle. Take care of yourself and make sure you follow some simple but regular exercise regime to stay healthy. Now get up and exercise!

Reference by ICICI Bank

Admin Quarantine for inbound and outbound Emails

“Quarantine Manager” is added in Google Apps for work increase the Email Control.

The admin quarantine feature provides greater email security and control by allowing admins to moderate when messages satisfying certain conditions are encountered in their domain’s mail traffic.

Gmail administrators can use email quarantines to moderate messages that meet specified criteria. When a message is flagged by a policy for quarantine (e.g. subject contains the word ‘confidential’), it will not be delivered to the intended recipient. Instead, this message will show up in the admin’s quarantine review UI. Admins can then review the message, choose to allow delivery to the intended recipient, deny delivery with or without rejection notice or do nothing. If no action is taken, messages expire and are removed from quarantine after 30 days.

For a quarantined outbound message, the message appears in the sender’s Sent folder but isn’t delivered to the recipient unless the administrator releases it from quarantine. After an outbound message appears in the quarantine, if the sender deletes the message from his or her Sent folder, the message remains in the quarantine until the administrator acts on it or the 30 days passes.

Where the administrator can do one of the following:

  • Allow delivery of the message to the intended recipient

  • Deny delivery of the message

  • Do nothing, in which case the message expires after 30 days

If an inbound message includes multiple recipients, the message appears in the quarantine once for each recipient—for example, a message with five recipients appears in the quarantine five times, once per recipient. If you set the option to send a reject message for denied messages and then deny a message sent to multiple recipients, the sender receives a reject message for each recipient.

Do any of the following:

View quarantined, allowed, or denied messages

View message content

Search for messages

Allow delivery of one or more quarantined messages

Deny delivery of one or more quarantined messages

Coutersy : google apps

Admin quarantine for inbound and outbound email

quarantine2 kb

The admin quarantine feature provides greater email security and control by allowing admins to moderate when messages satisfying certain conditions are encountered in their domain’s mail traffic.

When a message is flagged by a policy for quarantine (e.g. subject contains the word ‘confidential’), it will not be delivered to the intended recipient. Instead, this message will show up in the admin’s quarantine review UI. Admins can then review the message, choose to allow delivery to the intended recipient, deny delivery with or without rejection notice or do nothing. If no action is taken, messages expire and are removed from quarantine after 30 days.

To make quarantine management easier, up to 25 named quarantines may be set up with unique quarantine criteria. Admins may choose to put messages in different quarantines based on several classification criteria by setting mail flow policies (content compliance, objectionable content, etc.).

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Gmail labels in Google Vault email search results

To make it easier for Google Apps admins to locate specific emails in Google Vault search, Gmail labels are now included in search results. Admins can now view both system labels―i.e. the status of the message as viewed by the user – Unread, Inbox, Spam, Sent, etc―and user-applied labels:

To view Gmail labels and basic header information for a message, click show details in your Vault search results.

Gmail user label metadata will also now be included in XML file exports to aid with deeper analysis.

Reference : Google apps


“Last seen” indication in Hangouts

To make it easier to know when people using Hangouts are available to chat, we’ve added timestamps as part of status (e.g. ‘last seen 2h ago’), indicating when one was last using Hangouts.


Individuals can control whether this info is shared from Hangouts chat settings.

This feature is now available on Hangouts in Gmail (gradual rollout), as well as on the latest versions of the Hangouts Android and iOS apps.


 courtesy:google apps